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Agree. Since discovering @lovable_dev I dont need figma. Prototyping is faster with real code now

Ian Bach ☯︎
Ian Bach ☯︎

Honestly something in the space between Figma, origami, framer and Cursor / v0 is gonna happen in the next few years and it’s gonna be wild. And what’s more, it’s in a blind spot. It won’t be an engineering led IDE and it won’t be a cool design tool for cool designers. It’s…


Really impressed with @lovable_dev - built this habit tracker in 15 minutes. Rigidly codified workflows in SaaS platforms are gonna feel bulky and ancient real quick. • Auth and user profile to manage habits • Integrates with Slack to remind you to record habits.

Sebastian Rindom
Sebastian Rindom

As software becomes easier to build value capture will move from SaaS companies to 1) businesses who can now build apps in house, and 2) a handful of platforms that enable businesses to quickly build and iterate on those apps
