Changelog |

Personal Profiles, Custom Instructions, and More

Introducing personal profiles, custom instructions for projects, and updates for PRO users, along with several smaller improvements.

Personal profiles and custom instructions

Shareable Profiles

In our last update, we introduced user profiles. You can now share your profile URL (e.g., to showcase your creations with others!

Other users can also visit your profile by clicking on your username in the latest project view.

user profiles.

Add Custom Knowledge

You can now add custom knowledge to your project that will provide GPT Engineer with any additional context it might need.

This could include documentation on a specific library or any other important guidelines. By doing so, you ensure that GPT Engineer has all the relevant information to deliver the best results.

You will find the “Manage knowledge” option in the project settings.

add custom knowledge

”Edit with GPT Engineer” Badge Removed for PRO Users

By popular request, we’ve removed the “Edit with GPT Engineer” badge from published deploys for PRO users.

edit with gpt engineer badge

If you want this change to apply to existing deploys, simply redeploy your project.

Smaller Bugs / Improvements

  • Improved Prompt: The prompt has been updated to reduce laziness that can introduce unwanted placeholders.
  • Supabase Integration Fixes: We’ve resolved issues where the Supabase integration could get stuck, adding reliability.

Let Us Know What You Think

We’re always eager to hear your feedback. To reach us, you can:


Nad Chishtie's image

Nad Chishtie

Kristian Ruiz Kyvik's image

Kristian Ruiz Kyvik
